Vikoda natural mineral water gets new appearance

With the new message “Wonderful mineral water”, Vikoda natural mineral water has been given a new, more refined, modern style.

Vikoda Natural Mineral Water is one of the flagship brands which have made FIT Beverage’s reputation. It has been well known for its mineral substances and bottled at the hot mineral springs source originating at a depth of 220m where the temperature at the tap reaches 72°C, very good for health. Vikoda natural mineral water has been voted by the consumers as a high quality Vietnamese goods for 22 consecutive years, been awarded with many other important awards and highly appreciated by the International Organization – QMS, been issued the certificate of ISO 9001 for quality management system and HACCP food hygiene and safety system.

From October 2018, FIT Beverage has given Vikoda a brand new design which is cooler, more youthful and modern, more eye-catching. At the same time, Vikoda also repositions its brand by the message “Wonderful mineral water” to confirm the quality and benefits of 100% mineral water purified by essence from nature, a priceless gift that nature awards to man. With syncronized new brand identity, Vikoda’s bottled water products target to serve people in all ages, and are especially suitable for those who have to work for a long hectic day, beneficial for the body to overcome all challenges throughout the day. In line with the modern pace, Vikoda is expected to increase its strong coverage in major cities across the country with nearly 20,000 sales points and contribute to FIT Beverage sales in the last months of the year.

Vikoda 9.10

In 2018, FIT Beverage has achieved new milestones in its brand development strategy when changing the packaging of its products in line with consumer trends. And the change of packaging design and new message for Vikoda – the flagship brand of FIT Beverage will be one of the breakthroughs, helping FIT Beverage increasingly affirm the name in the consumers’ heart nationwide, to realize the goal of raising the Vietnamese brand name, protecting the health and increasing the value of benefits for consumers.

As one of the key industries in FIT parent’s investment strategy, received the strategic planning as well as direction from the Group’s Board of Directors, FIT Beverage is increasingly making the differences with the remarkable development, catching up with the trend of consumers, help FIT Beverage complete the mission to improve the health of the Vietnamese. Being focused in the investment strategy of FIT parent company, in the coming time, the Board of Directors and all employees of FIT Beverage will strive to make FIT Beverage become one of the leading enterprises in the beverage market in Vietnam and to be competitive with major brands in the world.

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