More than 800 poor patients continue to be given free meal at K Hospital, Acupuncture Institute and National Burn Institute

Following the series of charity activities since 2017, FIT and Hoa Chum Ngay group together giving free meals to over 800 poor patients at K Hospital, Acupuncture Institute and National Burn Institute.

K Institute and Central Acupuncture Institute are two of the largest hospitals in Vietnam, receiving and treating thousands of patients across all regions. Here, many poor patients have extremely difficult circumstances, face serious diseases and expensive treatment costs in hospitals, many families have to save as much as possible to cover hospital fees for their family members.

Sympathizing with the difficult circumstances of poor patients, FIT has always been with Hoa Chum Ngay bring the donations to patients and relatives. Even though the value of each meal is not big, but the affection and concern from the community will be a great value to encourage patients and families to overcome the difficulties of disease.

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Since  establishment,  FIT staff has been imbued with the spirit of mutual affection every year, because Board of Directors has always given great priority to voluntary activities. With that long tradition so far, FIT has implemented and accompanied charitable activities across the country, diversified in the organizational methods: from free meal distribution activities to support patients, free medical examination and treatment activities, youth-oriented activities or sports activities to improve the health of community. And with the orientation for sustainable development, FIT will continue to implement many programs for the community, contributing to the development and growth of society.

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