FIT Supported And offered Gifts To 405 Agent Orange Victims In Quang Tri

Sharing with the loss of Agent Orange victims in Gio Linh and Cam Lo Districts, FIT has joined forces with the Hoa Chum Ngay Volunteer Group to create practical and meaningful gifts for 405 victims of Agent Orange. With these gifts, FIT hopes to support some of the difficulties that families of Agent Orange victims are suffering.


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Known as a locality suffering many consequences of the war, Quang Tri province has over 15,485 Agent Orange / dioxin victims, there are 4,960 households with 2 to 7 victims of Agent Orange / dioxin. Therefore, FIT with Hoa Chum Ngay group and other philanthropists has joined hands towards the poor land of Quang Tri, together to help the Agent Orange victims in Quang Tri firmly stand up and leave behind the “Sorrow of War” and Agent Orange disaster.


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Knowing that the benefit of the business is always attached to the interests of the community, FIT Group is doing its best for a business environment which is stable, growing and ready to share for the community through its policy commitments.


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