FIT Beverage: The impressive return of iMen Minerals

In August, 2018, iMen officially got the new look with new packaging and new improved formula: more delicious, more refreshing and stronger power.

Since its first launch in 2016, FIT Beverage’s iMen has gained positive feedback in the Vietnam’s beverage market with the message“Boosting Energy, iMen’s Vigor”. The iMen Mineral Energy Drink with vitamin B6, Taurin in combination with natural minerals (Ca, Na, K, Mg) and Inositol are good for health, suitable for all activities from travelling to using when playing sports, after doing exercise, in parties, when hanging out with friends and also available to use at home. Only after 2 months of deployment, iMen has captured a good impression from consumers and gets impressed when the sales exceeded 20% of expectations. From 2016 up to now, iMen has become one of the key products of FIT Beverage, helping FIT Beverage step by step penetrate Vietnam’s energy drink industry, contributing to the growth of output (+ 15% compared to 2017, accumulated amount of the first 7 months) and sales (+ 12% compared to 2017) of FIT Beverage in 2018.

With the determination to bring consumers more superior products, in August, 2018 FIT Beverage has changed the iMen packaging and improved the new formula to be more tasty, deeper flavor, more refreshing and fulfilled with strong energy stimulate the body with full of energy to overcome all challenges. Derived from that nature, the main message of the iMen product is also changed to “Boosting energy, smashed the challenge”.

Bevarage Imen

Keeping the representative image as a powerful, inspirational tiger, but FIT Beverage’s design team changed the packaging and brought the iMen’s a new look which is more eye-catching, more modern, more dynamic, and suitable for all ages. Especially, with the increase of product volume from 270ml to 350ml, iMen will bring consumers more satisfaction, fresher feeling when using them with two main flavors including iMen gold and iMen forest strawberries. Through this innovative formula and packaging, iMen promises to create a breakthrough for FIT Beverage, helping the company expand its market share in energy drinks to meet the needs and tastes of Vietnamese customers of all ages.

Since becoming a subsidiary of FIT Group, receiving strategic investment and planning from parent company, FIT Beverage’s products have made a breakthrough to catch up the market trend. Soon, with the professional and detail product development strategy, the Board of Directors and all FIT Beverage staffs will make further efforts to bring FIT Beverage closer to becoming a Vietnamese strong brand name in the beverage industry and contribute to improve the health of the Vietnamese.

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