DCL successfully apoted the plan of profit after tax at 96 billion in 2017


25/02/2017, Cuu Long Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (DCL) held  2017 annual shareholders general meeting (SGM) in Hanoi.

In this meeting, the SGM adopted the business plan in 2017 with net revenue at 914 billion and 96 billion profit after tax; up respectively 24% and 7% compared with 2016. According consolidated audited report in 2016, DCL reached 738 billion net revenue and 90.149 billion profit after tax.




2016 là năm thứ 3 liên tiếp DCL đạt tốc độ tăng trưởng ấn tượng về doanh thu và lợi nhuận. Tính trung bình giai đoạn 2014 – 2016, DCL đạt tốc độ tăng trưởng lợi nhuận gần 70%/năm (năm sau so với năm liền trước).


Cũng tại cuộc họp này, ĐHĐCĐ thông qua phương án phát hành 500.000 cổ phiếu ưu đãi cho cán bộ quản lý, với giá phát hành bằng mệnh giá cổ phần. Đợt phát hành này nhằm mục đích tạo động lực cho các cán bộ đang công tác tại Công ty, cũng như thu hút những nhân sự có trình độ cao về DCL.




In particular, DCL would also approved the authorization for the Board of Director to review and adjust invested industry for the share released to oversea investors and for the target investment to new area as oncology medicine.

2016 is considered a successful year for DCL, the company not only achieve impressive growth in profits but also perform of building good distribution network, increasing the competitiveness in the market. At the same time, at late 2016, DCL also done the acquisitions of Euvipharm, a Valeant pharmaceutical company members,  one of the large pharmaceutical companies in Canada. The deal is completed, DCL not only achieve the goal of improving production capacity at low cost but also save 3 years in case of self-construction.

Since 2015, DCL has officially become a subsidiary of FIT Group. Being a strategic sector in the investment structure of FIT, DCL is invested heavily in both capital and human resources and has made strong quality of work. By end of 2016, DCL has chartered capital of 563.328 billion. The company currently operates in three major areas: Pharmaceutical, capsules and medical equipment.

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