Cuu Long Pharmaceutical accquired Euvipharm

DCL and its subsidiaries spend 153 billion to own 90% of charter capital of Euvipharm.

According to Cuu Long Pharmaceutical (DCL), in 01.06.2017, DCL  along with its subsidiaries Saigon VPC Pharmaceutical Limited Company completed the transaction of buying 90% charter capital of Euvipharm, the total value is153 billion. The seller is Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc company (Canada).
The deal is expected to complete in the first quarter of 2017 


Euvipharm was born in 2005, becoming the most modern plant in Vietnam with capacity of 1.2 billion units of product / cases / year for the most common dosage forms including products antibiotic powder, and effervescent products require special production environment.

Mr. Nguyen Van Sang, Chairman and CEO of DCL said Euvipharm acquisition will help company increased production capacity and develop new pharmaceuticals lines as injections, eye drops …to take advantage of Euvipharm system’s modern facilities in Long An without loss of time to build the plant.
“Along with Euvipharm, group of pharmaceutical companies of the group we will be able to boost the R & D to develop new products, especially drugs treating heart disease, cancer, or diabetes “Mr. Sang said

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