DCL: Handover of “Union Shelter” to a union member facing hardships

On the afternoon of December 8, the grassroots union of Cuu Long Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, in coordination with the Vinh Long Provincial Labor Federation, organized a ceremony to hand over the “Union Shelter” to union member Pham Thi Nga, who is currently an employee of Cuu Long Pharmaceutical.

Attending the ceremony were Mrs. Nguyen Thi My Dung – Vice President of Vinh Long Provincial Labor Confederation; Mr. Truong Hai Bang – Secretary of the DCL Party Committee; Mr. Nguyen Van Hoang – Chairman of the grassroots union, along with the presence of DCL employees.

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The grassroots union of DCL and the Vinh Long Provincial Labor Federation handed over the “Union Shelter” to union member Pham Thi Nga

Understanding the difficulties and hardships faced by Pham Thi Nga’s family, after a period of survey and consideration by the Standing Committee of the grassroots union, Cuu Long Pharmaceutical unanimously sent a request to the Standing Committee of the Vinh Long Provincial Labor Federation to consider supporting the construction of the “Union Shelter” for Mrs. Nga.

The “Union Shelter” for Mrs. Pham Thi Nga began construction in early October 2022. With the spirit of urgency and determination to hand over the house before Tet to ensure Mrs. Nga’s family could welcome the Spring with peace of mind, the construction was completed and put into use within 2 months, with a total construction cost of 100 million VND, of which the Social Fund of the Provincial Labor Confederation supported 50 million VND.

The house, with an area of 80m2, is designed and built solidly in the form of a level 4 house, with a corrugated iron roof, ceramic tile flooring, and includes 03 spacious rooms; of which there are 02 bedrooms and 01 airy living room, ensuring the living space for the family.

Unable to hide her joy and emotion, Mrs. Pham Thi Nga expressed her sincere thanks to the DCL grassroots union organization and the Vinh Long Provincial Labor Federation for their concern and financial support in building her the “Union Shelter,” helping her family to live, work, and study with peace of mind.

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Ms. Pham Thi Nga emotionally receives the house handover document.

At the handover ceremony, Mr. Truong Hai Bang – Secretary of the DCL Party Committee congratulated Mrs. Pham Thi Nga’s family. Mr. Bang stated: “The union organization of DCL operates on the spirit of ‘All for the union members and workers.’ Today, on behalf of the DCL grassroots union, I am very pleased that the union has been able to assist the family of union member Pham Thi Nga, so that Mrs. Nga can live and work with peace of mind. We hope that Mrs. Nga will continue to strive and overcome in life, accumulate to further improve the house. At the same time, the DCL union will continue to accompany and assist Mrs. Nga as well as other union members in their work and life, to ensure that no one is left behind.”

At Cuu Long Pharmaceutical, employees not only work in a safe and civilized working environment but also enjoy good remuneration policies and care for their material and spiritual life. “Union Shelter” is one of the meaningful social activities, helping union members in difficulty to have a home to stabilize their lives. This is a very meaningful activity of the DCL grassroots union in particular and the Vinh Long Provincial Labor Federation in general, reflecting a high sense of humanity, being a source of encouragement, motivation, and inspiration for union members to continue striving and overcoming difficulties in life.

With a vision of sustainable development, promoting harmonious development between the company and society, over the years, DCL has not only been concerned about the lives of company employees but has also actively participated in community activities such as: donating medicine to support Covid treatment for hospitals; giving gifts to support the people in the flood-affected Central region; donating an Automatic Real-Time PCR Testing System to Vinh Long City Health Center; ….

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