FIT: 850 free rice portions for poor patients at K Hospital and National Institute of Burns

On July 24, 2018, poor patients at K Hospital and National Institute of Burns (Hanoi-based) received nearly 850 free rice portions from FITer volunteers and Hoa Chum Ngay (Moringa Flower) volunteer group..

Promoting the spirit of humanity, compassion and cooperation for the development of the community, once a month, FIT cooperates with the volunteer group Hoa Chum Ngay to organize a series of activities to distribute free meals at hospitals within Hanoi area with the purpose of sharing and helping ease the poor patient’s burden, giving them the belief and morale to overcome illnesses and diseases.

phát cơm tháng 7

With the sympathy, love and sharing spirit, on July 24, 2018, FIT volunteers and charity group Hoa Chum Ngay had arrived at the K Hospital by 16h30 and the National Institute of Burns (Hanoi-based) by 16h45 to hand over 850 rice portions with full of love as well as sent heartening words to the patients, encourage them to be diligent in the treatment in order to recover earlier.


Being aware that the benefits of the business are always associated with the interests of the community, FIT Group and its subsidiaries have been trying their best for a stable and growing business environment at the same time being ready to share with the community by its commitments stated in the company polity.  From the beginning of 2018 up to present, FIT and its subsidiaries have carried out many significant activities such as giving gifts to the elderly and handicapped children in Thuy An, Ba Vi; providing medical treatment and gifts to the people in remote areas; donating to support the costs of treatment for two children with cancer at the National Institute of Hematology; blood donation and so on. The activity of giving free meals at hospitals is one of the voluntary activities that FIT Board of Directors has oriented to spread the human spirit deeply to all staffs of the company as well as express corporate responsibility for the whole society.

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